Key steps to tackling work-related stress

Stress is a major cause of sickness absence in the workplace and costs over £5 billion a year in Britain. Unsurprisingly In 2020/21 the rate was higher than the 2018/19 pre-coronavirus levels. Of the 822,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression, or...

The Art of Giving Great Feedback

Feedback is a gift to the receiver – it helps people understand when they are doing well, how they are contributing effectively to the success of their organisation, or why they need to change their behaviour. It’s like having spinach on your teeth: you need to be...

Team Motivation

1. Get the knowledge Find out what actually motivates people. Frederick Herzberg’s Motivation & Hygiene factors model is a great place to start, as is Adam’s Equity theory. Both can be found on Once you understand the factors that actively...